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Version: 2024-01__Kiwi

PHP-View to vue.js


  • find the correct PHP-folder in the src/Modules.
  • find the view-controller


Example, Dashboard.

It is required to place a page loader javascript in src/Modules based on the webpack-configuration.

import { vueRegister, vueApply } from '@/vue'

// View: {Component}
import '@/views/pages/Dashboard/Dashboard.scss'
import Dashboard from '@/views/pages/Dashboard/Dashboard.vue'


When replacing a complete page, you could add the page to the base.twig#L63. Which gives you more control over the page because the else uses an old grid, which won't stop using.

{% if route in 'dashboard,index,content'|split(',') %}

Maybe you need to extend shame-old-style-corrections.scss#L1-4. To remove the margin.

Hard part

  • Find the code position, where HTML is in use.
  • Extract the used variables
Some examples
return $this->twig->render('pages/FoodSharePoint/foodSharePointTop.html.twig', [
'food_share_point' => $this->foodSharePoint,
public function checkFoodSharePoint(array $foodSharePoint): string
$htmlEscapedName = htmlspecialchars($foodSharePoint['name']);
$content = '';
if ($foodSharePoint['pic']) {
$content .= $this->v_utils->v_input_wrapper($this->translator->trans('fsp.pic'),
'<img src="' . $foodSharePoint['pic']['head'] . '" alt="' . $htmlEscapedName . '" />'

$content .= $this->v_utils->v_input_wrapper($this->translator->trans('fsp.address'),
. '<br />'
. $foodSharePoint['plz'] . ' ' . $foodSharePoint['ort']

$content .= $this->v_utils->v_input_wrapper($this->translator->trans('fsp.description'),

$content .= $this->v_utils->v_input_wrapper($this->translator->trans('fsp.addedOn'),
date('d.m.Y', $foodSharePoint['time_ts'])

$fsName = $foodSharePoint['fs_name'] . ' ' . $foodSharePoint['fs_nachname'];
$content .= $this->v_utils->v_input_wrapper($this->translator->trans('fsp.addedBy'),
'<a href="/profile/' . (int)$foodSharePoint['fs_id'] . '">' . $fsName . '</a>'

return $this->v_utils->v_field(
$this->translator->trans('fsp.acceptName', ['{name}' => $foodSharePoint['name']]),
['class' => 'ui-padding']

public function joininfo(): string
return '
<div class="page-container page-joininfo">
<h1> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.join_rules') . ' </h1>
<h3> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.join_welcome') . ' </h3>
<p> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.respect') . ' <br><b>' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.register') . '</b></p>
<h3> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.forstores') . ' </h3>
<p> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.together') . ' </p>'
// the paragraph invites to foodsharing - both individuals and stores
. $this->v_utils->v_field('
<div class="reddot">
<h5><span>1</span> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.honest') . '</h5>
<p> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.telltruth') . '</p>
<h5><span>2</span> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.followrules_a') . '</h5>
<p> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.followrules_b') . ' ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.followrules_c') . '</p>
<p> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.notallowed') . '</p>'
// the paragraph states do`s and don`t`s for foodsharing, the next ones talk about how one should interact in the community
. '<h5><span>3</span> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.beresponsible') . '</h5>
<p>30<span style="white-space:nowrap">&thinsp;</span>% ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.responsibility') . '</p>
<h5><span>4</span> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.bedependable') . '</h5>
<p>' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.dependability') . '</p>
<h5><span>5</span> ' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.makeproposals') . '</h5>
<p>' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.proposals') . '</p>
</div>', $this->translator->trans('startpage.etiquette'), ['class' => 'ui-padding']) . '
<p class="buttons"><br><a href="/?page=register" style="font-size:180%;" class="button">' . $this->translator->trans('startpage.registernow') . '</a><br></p>

Showing the Vue-Component

When you found the correct PHP-view file, you can register the Vue-component in it.

$this->vueComponent('component-id', 'component-name', $params)
Example, DashboardView.php
public function index($params): string
return $this->vueComponent('dashboard', 'dashboard', $params);

And call it in DashboardControl.php where the $params is filled with information.

$this->pageHelper->addContent($this->view->index($this->params), CNT_MAIN);


In the Vue-components, add some props where you need and define in PHP.

Example, Dashboard.vue
 props: {
broadcast: { type: Object, default: () => null },
quiz: { type: Object, default: () => null },
errors: { type: Array, default: () => null },
events: { type: Object, default: () => ({ accepted: null, invites: null }) },