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Usage for implementation

The implementation of an RestAPI endpoint action typically starts with a RestAPI description with annotations for Swagger-php integrated by Symfony via NelmioApiDocBundle followed by FOSBundle endpoint type description.

Following code shows an example of an endpoint

 * <Endpoint description>
 * @OA\Tag(name="<Module>")
 * @Rest\Post("ressources/{:ressourceId}/subRessource")
 * @OA\RequestBody(@Model(type=RequestBodyClassRepresention::class))
 * @ParamConverter("requestDeserializedContent", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
 * @OA\Response(response=Response::HTTP_CREATED,
 *	description="<Description of the response for a http status code>",
 *  @Model(type=ResponseRepresentation::class)
 * )
 * @OA\Response(response=Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, description="<Description of the response for a http status code>")
 * @OA\Response(response=Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, description="<Description of the response for a http status code>")
public function endpointAction(int $ressourceId, RequestBodyClassRepresention $requestDeserializedContent, ValidatorInterface $validator): Response
    // Access permission check
    if (!$this->session->mayRole()) {
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('', self::NOT_LOGGED_IN);

    if (!$this->permissions->myCanAccess($regionId)) {
        throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('No permission to create store for this region');

    // Validation of content
    $errors = $validator->validate($storeCreateInformation);
    if ($errors->count() > 0) {
        $firstError = $errors->get(0);
        $relevantErrorContent = ['field' => $firstError->getPropertyPath(), 'message' => $firstError->getMessage()];
        throw new BadRequestHttpException(json_encode($relevantErrorContent));

    // Prepare and call transaction for execution of business logic
    $storeModel = new MinimalStoreModel();
    $store = $storeCreateInformation->store->toCreateStore();
    $store->regionId = $regionId;
    $storeModel->id = $this->storeTransactions->createStore($store, $this->session->id(), $storeCreateInformation->firstPost);

    // generate response
    return $this->handleView($this->view($storeModel, Response::HTTP_CREATED));

A typical endpoint follows the following steps.

uml diagram


All php classes working with REST requests are found in /src/Modules/RestApi/<..>RestController.php. Functions need to have special names for symfony to use them: the end with Action.

The generic HttpException class using a status code but a specific subclass instead. For example, use BadRequestHttpException('something went wrong') instead of HttpException(400, 'something went wrong').

They start with a permission check, throw a HttpException(401) if the action is not permitted. Then they somehow react to the request, usually with by transactions or sometimes gateways.


Is done by symfony via @ParamConverter("requestDeserializedContent", converter="fos_rest.request_body"). It use jmserializer to convert it to the class, in some cases it is required to define the type of the properties with more details like for arrays.

  • Enum´s are currently not automatic converted, we use integers and describe the values in the documentation.

Permission check

  • use Permission classes for permission checks

Existing implementation


  • Validate content for logic or used by permission
  • Invalid content should return an badRequest with some information.

More informationExisting implementation

Business logic

The endpoint with its HTTP methodes execute actions on the data in the foodsharing platform. This business logic is implemented by transactions or gateway. The Endpoint should only use, so that business logic is in independent from the representation.


  • For the response, use DTOs that will be transformed to JSON by Symfony and the description in the class is used by swagger-php for documentation, The validation roles can be described for validation on the properties.

More not-yet-implemented ideas include:

  1. Add API versioning (to allow introducing breaking api changes in the future without immediately breaking the apps) (not yet, hopefully coming at some point)
  2. Standardize pagination (e.g. fixed query param names, return total number of items, either via envelope or header)