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During development everyone knows the moments when the code shows exactly what you want but the computer just does something different. Some strategies how to find or avoid errors are collected here.

Nightly scripts

With ./scripts/symfony-console foodsharing:daily-cronjob you can call the nightly scripts.

Test artifacts

During the Gitlab CI tests are run at every push. These builds and tests can be found under the menu item CI/CD (the rocket). There you can already see, which stages (build, test, deploy) passed. In order to get the detailed test results, go to the job test in the suitable pipeline (also reacheable via the corresponding MR if existing), click „Browse“ and navigate to tests/_output/_output/report.html (<job number>/artifacts/browse/tests/_output/_output/report.html).

CSRF Exception

When working on the API one usually wants to try it out. If you just type in the API call in the web browser while running the local webpage on localhost:18080 you probably get a CSRF Exception. This is a safety feature:

  • While you are logined via other pages can send API calls.
  • Since your browser has a session usually would answer the request, the other page got data that it shouldn't get.
  • Solution: sends a CSRF-token that the browser saves as a cookie and the client reads from the cookie and sends the token as a header with every API call. Since cookies can only be accessed by the correct web page, only the site can make requests.
  • When you just type in the API call the headers including the CSRF-token are not set and you are rejected.

There are several work-arounds:

  • You write tests. You should write tests anyway and since they emulate a complete session, the CSRF-Token is sent and valid.
  • You add an API call in some javascript-file that gets executed. For example add the following into /src/Modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.js:
import { get } from '@/api/base'

Make sure that you do not commit those temporary changes!

  • You disable the CSRF-Check in /src/EventListener/CsrfListener.php by commenting the lines
// if (!$this->session->isValidCsrfHeader()) {
//  throw new SuspiciousOperationException('CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect.');

Make sure that you do not commit those temporary changes!


Sometimes the docker container get into some weird state. It might help to restart them:

./scripts/clean # sudo necessary since the container run with root privileges and therefore create directories with root ownership

But it takes quite a while.

If normal clean doesnt help as well you can try

./scripts/clean modules

This will remove all node-modules.

If images were change or all above doesn't help you can try

./scripts/clean full


Symfony that is running inside docker container are using a cache directory that is persistent over docker restarts and sometimes changes in the source files are not reflected in the running containers. Then errors that are already fixed might still appear during experiments. Hence sometimes it helps to remove the cache directory:

sudo rm -rf ./cache/dev

or even sudo rm -rf cache.

Database and email access

The local website gives you database access so that you can directly view and modify what is written in the database. Access to the e-mails that are sent via the website can also be found.

phpadmin (database access)localhost:18081localhost:28081
smtp (outgoing email)localhost:18084localhost:28084

Those ports are configured in /docker/docker-compose.*.yml.


The server (also the local one) writes logs about a lot that happens including errors. To view those logs, run

./scripts/docker-compose logs -f app

where you can also replace app by other components of the application that are listed by ./scripts/docker-compose ps or just remove it to show all logs.

docker-compose also respects the variable FS_ENV that can be set to dev or to test for running either the localhost (dev) containers or the testing containers.

In order to print specific information in the logs, you can print them in your php-code. In order to do so, add a LoggerInterface in the constructor __construct:

use Psr/Log/LoggerInterface;
  private $logger;
  public function __construct(<other params>, LoggerInterface $logger) {
    $this->logger = $logger;
// somewhere in your tested, executed code:
    $this->logger->error('some error text');
// especially useful if put into an except clause that catches all errors and reraises them after printing some informative message

Changes in js, vue etc. aren't showing up

In order to have the webpack-dev-server recognize changes you have to add this watchOptions block to client/serve.config.js

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    watchOptions: {
      poll: true

Note: Please make sure not to commit this file afterwards with your changes.

Test on other devices


To access the website with other devices as the development computer, the local network settings must be changed from public network(recommended) to private network.